Faith No More
Monday, 09 November 1992
Essen, Germany
supported by L7
The Final Countdown remix
Falling To Pieces
Land Of Sunshine
The Crab Song
Midlife Crisis
outro Prince, "My Name Is Prince"
Chinese Arithmetic
intro Ween, "The Goin' Gets Tough From The Getgo"
Surprise! You're Dead!
Be Aggressive
outro Bay City Rollers, "Saturday Night"
Introduce Yourself
Easy (Commodores)
Crack Hitler
Everything's Ruined
We Care A Lot
middle House Of Pain, "Jump Around"
middle Del tha Funky Homosapien, "Mistadobalina"
Woodpecker From Mars
outro Helmet, "Turned Out"

Let's Lynch The Landlord (Dead Kennedys)
A Small Victory
Mark Bowen

War Pigs (Black Sabbath)
Official Release:
[2015] Angel Dust Deluxe Edition (all "Live in Munich" tracks)
[1993] Free Concert In The Park
All "Live in Munich" tracks b-sides to various singles
During The Crab Song intro someone gets on stage and goes for Roddy:
- Patton: "He's not your type"
- "Roddy: "Yes yes yes!"

Before Easy:
- Roddy: Hush now kiddies, quiet.
- Patton: This is for everyone who has haemorrhoids this evening.

During Easy, Patton: "Pinch that pile. Grip it."

In the middle of We Care A Lot Patton sings Jump Around while backing vocals sing Mr. Dobalina.

On return for encore:
- Roddy: Thank you very much
Patton is checking a wallet he found on stage...
- Patton: Laura Schumacher
- ?: Is it a boy or a girl
- Patton: Um, let me see. Oh it's a girl! Come up here and get it!

Before A Small Victory:
- Patton: Here's a flop!
On This Day:
Year Venue State/Country
1989 Faith No More: The Loft, Berlin Germany
1990 Faith No More: RIP 4th Birthday, Hollywood Palladium, Los Angeles CA, USA
1999 Mr. Bungle: Irving Plaza, New York NY, USA
1999 Mista Sinista: The Knitting Factory, New York NY, USA
2001 Tomahawk: La Zona Rosa, Austin TX, USA
2011 Faith No More: Primavera 0 Festival, Teatro de Verano, Montevideo Uruguay