Faith No More
Wednesday, 05 August 2015
Theater @ Madison Square Garden
New York, NY, USA
supported by Refused
The Real Thing
Be Aggressive
Everything's Ruined
Black Friday
Midlife Crisis
interlude Boz Scaggs, "Lowdown"
A Small Victory
The Gentle Art of Making Enemies
Easy (Commodores)
Separation Anxiety
Ashes to Ashes

Just a Man
Venue moved from main arena to the theatre @ Madison Square Garden
Before Black Friday:
- Roddy: Thank you and good evening. You guys doing well? You pissed at us for not playing the big place? No? Thanks cool? I know, my mum said, I said "Mum! We're playing MCG!" Yeah, I think we're in. She said, "Roddy, MCG is for fuckin' hockey," that's what my mum said. "MCG is for fuckin' hockey and Billy Joel. Faith No More doesn't belong in that building." She says, "you guys belong in the theatre!". I said, "Mum, you are fuckin' right"
- Patton: Sorry if the change of situation was a nightmare by the way. Blame it on hockey!

Before Midlife Crisis:
- Patton: Somebody just get off a plane? Never been hit by one of these before.
- Roddy: Who threw that?
- Patton: It smells like vomit. You can have it.

Midlife Crisis pauses, crowd sings:
- Patton: That's cool, let's change the steelo

During Easy intro:
- Patton: "Pallet cleanser!"

Before Easy solo:
- Patton: Come on, it's like Lenny Kravitz's dick, in the centre!

After Easy solo:
- Patton: Do one for Lenny Kravitz, sing!

Before Matador:
- Patton: ... first time in my life that I've ever booked a show, cancelled a show and rebooked it in the same venue! Right?
- Roddy: ?? Thanks for sticking with us though you guys, so much. Thanks for being here.
- Patton: Moral of the story is, we couldn't figure it out, I'm amazed you guys did. So thank you.
- Roddy: For a second there we thought we lost you, and we're so happy you're here, thanks for being here.

Before Ashes To Ashes:
- Patton: Is fun still being had? Here's another one going out to Lenny Kravitz's dick!

RV lyrics change:
- "Maybe they've been hanging out at fucking Madison Square Garden, upstairs..."
On This Day:
Year Venue State/Country
1990 Faith No More: The Marquee, Sydney NSW, Australia
1992 Faith No More: CANCELLED Metrodome, Minneapolis MN, USA
1995 Faith No More: Show Building, Wellington New Zealand
1999 Mr. Bungle: Avalon Ballroom, Boston MA, USA
2002 Tomahawk: Ocean Center, Daytona Beach FL, USA
2006 Peeping Tom: Lollapalooza (Playstation Stage), Chicago IL, USA