Faith No More
Wednesday, 18 November 1992
Deinze, Belgium
supported by L7
The Final Countdown remix
Falling To Pieces
Land Of Sunshine
The Crab Song
Midlife Crisis
Chinese Arithmetic
intro Ween, "The Goin' Gets Tough From The Getgo"
Surprise! You're Dead!
Be Aggressive
outro Bay City Rollers, "Saturday Night"
Introduce Yourself
Easy (Commodores)
Crack Hitler
We Care A Lot
middle Kris Kross, "Warm It Up"
Woodpecker From Mars

Let's Lynch the Landlord (Dead Kennedys)
Edge Of The World
A Small Victory

Nancy Sinatra, "You Only Live Twice"
Before Midlife Crisis, Patton: "We appreciate you coming out tonight. We're feeling kinda lonely. It's nice to feel wanted isn't it? We want you."
Before Chinese Arithmetic:
- Bill: So Mike, I notice you keep falling on the floor all the time. How's it feel?
- Patton: It feels great!
- Bill: I suggest you guys try it too, it's a lot of fun.
- Patton: If anybody wants to come up and fall down with me, feel free.

It sounds very much like Patton tries to take a crap on stage during RV, "I wish I had a little brown gift for ya, but I'm fresh out."

Before Easy, Patton: "Feel sorta like Axl tonight. Why? I don't know, Italian white shorts, flannel..."

Before Woodpecker From Mars:
- Roddy: You alright? My name's Roddy, I start this next song, goes something like this...
- Patton: My name's Mike and I don't sing on this song.

During Let's Lynch The Landlord intro, Roddy: "We're Faith No More. We come from San Francisco. This song is cover of a San Francisco band called the Dead Kennedys, ever heard of them?"

When Edge of the World finishes the crowd continues to sing the "nah nah nah" part:
- Patton: Go on, if it feels good, do it.
- * band joins in for a bit, including Jim *
- Patton: All the way back to the soundboard, and you fat motherfucker behind the sound deck.
- * band stops... crowd keeps going *
- Patton: Let's just look at em. No one's even done this to us before.
- Bill: We're kinda scared
- Patton: Maybe I oughta get naked more often.
- Bill: Should we keep playing this song?
- Patton: hehe, let's just play it again, fuck it!
- * Band plays Edge of the World again, just one verse, including Jim *
- Patton: You're so fucked, you're gonna make us do it again aren't you?
- Roddy: I've got a good idea, let's move on to something else, what do you say? I don't know, call me crazy, it's getting kinda stale.
- Patton: I'm just gonna keep singing it!
- * A Small Victory starts, Patton keeps singing the nah nah nah of Edge of the World *
On This Day:
Year Venue State/Country
1990 Faith No More: St Joseph Civic Arena, St Joseph MO, USA
1995 Faith No More: CANCELLED NEC Arena, Birmingham England
1995 Mr. Bungle: 1st Avenue, Minneapolis MN, USA
1997 Faith No More: Libro Hall Vienna, Vienna Austria
1999 Mr. Bungle: Will Rogers Theatre, Oklahoma City OK, USA
2000 Fantômas: Metro, Sydney NSW, Australia
2006 Peeping Tom: Deposito Giordino, Pordenone Italy
2012 Mondo Cane: Harvest Festival, Botanic Gardens, Brisbane QLD, Australia